DOWNLOAD (5.29 Mb)
After downloading .zips file rename the file to .zip
and open it with any compression program
Press F1 at main menu.
Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
Press desired hotkey.All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Trainer Options:
NumPad1: Change Money By 500000
NumPad2: Super Speed 4
NumPad3: Infinite Fuel
NumPad4: Infinite Ship Health
NumPad5: Change Traveled Distance By 10
NumPad6: Unlock All Certificates
Editor Options:
Misc: Money
Money: You must be docked at a habor. Open and close the map ingame first. Press hotkey or use editor to make your changes.
Fuel: While active your fuel will no longer decrease.
Traveled Distance: Ship a little bit around with your boat so the editor loads the value.
Unlock Certificates: First you need to ship around a little bit. Press hotkey this will set your traveled distance to a great value and you will unlock all certificates.